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Re-charging Throughout Christmas: Our Guide To The Ultimate Night In

Re-charging Throughout Christmas: Our Guide To The Ultimate Night In

During the festive season, it can be challenging to find time for yourself in between all the Christmas festivities. However, in such a busy period it’s important to dedicate time to self-care and to recharge your batteries. Although getting the sequins out and dressing up is fun, there is nothing better than a cosy night in front of the fire. Keep reading to discover our top tips on perfecting the perfect Christmas night in…

Practice Self-care

A bit of self-care is exactly what the doctor ordered when the weather is chilly outside! Self-care can take different forms for everyone, it’s all about finding what it is that makes you switch off and relax. One of our favourite ways to unwind is running a hot bath. Why not use a Grace Cole Shower Gel to create luxurious bubbles to soak your stresses away. For ultimate relaxation, apply a face mask and place a Grace Cole Diffuser next to the tub. Our Vanilla Blush & Peony fragrance is the ultimate scent to help you unwind, featuring a luxurious heart of warming Vanilla complemented by a sensual and inviting woody base. The Vanilla Blush & Peony range contains essential oils such as Orange, Lemon and Patchouli to relive stress and anxiety, and is designed to be comforting and calming. After your bath, don’t forget to moisturise your skin to lock in all that moisture. The Grace Cole Wild Fig & Pink Cedar Body Butter contains essential oils of Cedarwood and Patchouli to soothe, balance and ground the mind alongside Marula Oil and Shea Butter to lock in moisture and keep your skin feeling supple and radiant for longer.

Do an activity you enjoy

When we’re at home and not doing much, it can be tempting to sit there and scroll on our phones, we’re all guilty of it! However, relaxing and switching off should involve your mind, not just your body. Rather than scrolling, limit time on social media and instead do an activity you enjoy. Whether that’s having a movie night watching your favourite Christmas film, or cooking a homemade meal with your favourite Grace Cole candle lit. Why not bring the bar to you at home and make your favourite tipple to sip whilst listening to a festive playlist – sounds ideal to us! Gift yourself time to fully be in the moment and put your mind to something you enjoy.

Have an early night

With all the festive cheer and busy calendars, many of us run on less sleep and just keep going. However, making sure to get 7-9 hours’ sleep a night is vital to re-charge and fully enjoy the festive season with family and friends. We know it’s hard to stick to our usual routines and bedtimes over the festive period, however making an effort to keep this up will benefit us hugely. Our bodies crave sleep during busy and stressful times, so listening to your body and getting an early night is truly the best thing to keep yourself in check.

Give yourself permission to slow down

Lastly, the most important tip is to give yourself permission to slow down and have that night in to yourself! Balancing your priorities over the festive season is crucial, learn that saying no without the need to justify is normal! We shouldn’t feel under pressure to say yes to every night out, because isn’t that what Christmas is all about anyway - slowing down and realizing what is important to us.

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